虎年季春_ 纯CSS带底部线条动画文本特效

虎年季春_ 纯CSS带底部线条动画文本特效

Add and modify the voice over, set the recommendation, and set the audition text of the voice over.

Home page rotation map support. The experience applet has not been released for the time being. The poster supports diversion to other applets. Open the H5 page, banner advertisement and grid advertisement

Support for circle of friends poster synthesis

Found diversion. The applet is a functional applet, which can be diverted to other applets through the discovery page of welfare species to form a traffic circle

Redemption settings, support points redemption times, points redemption times

User QA settings

Fission, user sharing, increase the number of users

Custom applet title

Sharing settings

Official account

Non IP authorization, unlimited applet access



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聚龙滩-JOLOT.CN | 不断发现新宝贝

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